
What is Tool?


One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem.

That tool dosen't even know she's just using him.

See tt


someone who tries too hard. a poser. one of those chic's who holds the sign saying "Carson Daly is Hot." the asstard who goes to a rock show because they heard one of the songs on the radio or mtv. or someone who insists on wearing velour sweat suits. Avril Lavigne.

Jane is a tool because she dresses like Avril Lavigne while listening to New Found Glory and Dashboard Confessional just becuase Carson Daly told her to.

See sham


A person, typically male, who says or does things that cause you to give them a 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look. The 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look is classified by a glare in the tool's direction and is usually accompanied by muttering of how big of a tool they are. The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is alwasys making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will. However, the tool is useful because you can use them for things; money, rides, ect.

"Let's drive to Chicago from Iowa. Oh man, we need money. Hey, let's ask tool to come, he'll spot us the cash!"

"Tool is our friend. We call him that because he is one."


someone who is a complete idiot/ one who is used by other people, and usually dosen't even realize it/ someone who can't think for themselves/ an asshat.

People who wear huge logos on their shirts are tools.

People who listen to Avril Lavigne, are tools.

People who think Sum 41 is a punk band, are all tools.


Best band of all time with Adam Jones on guitar, Danny Carey on drums, Paul D'Amour once on bass but now its Justin Chancellor, and last but certainly not least the vocals and the style that is Maynard James Keenan. Progressive rock band from the early 90's, introduced a lot of new things in music, including throwing time signatures out the window. Albums out:






best music ever. period.

<some guy> what are you doing?

<TOOL fan> listening to TOOL.


A sad soul who is being taken advantage of without realizing it

-Dude, I need a ride to the party.

-Ask (insert name here). He's a tool.


a fake person. someone does things to impress people

Someone who claims to be a coffee fanatic but only buys "frappacinos" from starbucks. People who go to TRL. People who listen to Good Charlotte. The members of Good Charlotte

See Calli


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