
What is Tool.?


1. A person who tries too hard to fit into the mainstream idea of cool. Common identifying marks of the tool involve tattoos based off of a professional wrestler's tattoos, yellow cars with spoilers and the insistence to listen to bad music, i.e. Usher and Our Lady Peace.

2. Carson Daly.

I had to endure the entire night with that man, he's a total tool.


One who is, as J.D. Salinger wrote in "Catcher in the Rye," a "phony." Someone who is false, a media whore, a douchebag, and a servant (or tool) or the Man. The best example, the paradigm of tooldom, is Carson Daly, as quite correctly noted above. Other famous tools include Geraldo Rivera, Ryan Seacrest, Tom Cruise, Stephen Baldwin, Tony Danza, Wayne Brady, Tom Arnold, Ben Affleck, Linkin Park, and most ironically of all, Tim Allen.

God, Carson Daly is a tool. He is willing to toss salad for the Man.

See douchebag, the man, media whore, carson daly, phony


a.) is someone who is so stupid that they can only serve at best a few failry simple tasks over and over again, and sucks at everything else. b.) Someone lacking intellegence.

(insert name here) your a tool.

See idiot, moron, simple minded


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