What is Torange?
The shadow that is created when light passes through venitian or slatted blinds. Only word that rhymes with orange.
Close the blinds, there is torange on the tv screen.
doing something abnormally
guy1: thats smells
guy2: just stick a sock up your nose
guy1: not that would be torange
Torange is red-hot orange!
She wanted to get noticed and ended up dyeing her hair torange.
Torange is a state of collective mind of a group of REC-eD's siting rownd a camp fire stoned, pissed, stinking of shit thinking of a word that rhymes with orange, and after all of 2.798534 seconds cuming up with Torange.
REC-eD A: We are fully toranged.
REC-eD B: wots that smell?
REC-eD 4: errrr u...... and me... and that guy that just jumped over his camp fire nude and singed his pubes!
REC-eD A: stupid REC-eD!
REC-eD 4.5: is that joint going any where?
Conan: *high Pitch* YEEA