
What is Toronto?


The largest city in Canada. It's known for it's combination of great neighbourhood vibe, cosmopolitan flare, and horribly atrocious downtown architecture. (Unlike most major cities, it experienced it's big economic boom in the sixties, go figure.) Otherwise a peach of a town, with great nightlife (and with boozecans up the wazoo, for you after hours folks), and wickedly georgeous people. So fuck off.

I love Toronto.

See Torontonian


Toronto is the most cosmopolitan, ethnically-diverse city in Canada and, last time I checked, North America. Many Vancouverites and Montrealers can't accept this and say that Toronto is violence-ridden and that we have a drug problem, overlooking the fact that Vancouver's drug problem is so bad that they actually have detox centers run by the city where heroin addicts can get a safe hit. I won't even talk about Montreal, other than to say that they're whining bitches that can't deal with the fact that they're not Canada's biggest and best city in Canada and haven't been since the 70's.

Also, all these small-town farmboys and rural mofos that talk about our crime problem and shit really have no idea what they're talking about because they are too busy fornicating with farm animals and relatives to come to Toronto to experience it first hand.

Besides, we have the hottest women in the world, including Paris and New York. Period.

Toronto kicks massive ass.


How the hell does some guy get off defending our city by comparing it to Detroit??? And no, our subways are not clean, they look like crappy versions of the ones in NYC, but filled with angry persian women and brown kids trying to act black. I see people everywhere pretending to be sophisticated like them New Yorkers, which may be tolerable if they didn't look so constipated and uptight. The government here is just as unoriginal.. while Portland and San Fran are already densifying their metros like Vancouver, the arrogant gas-bags in city council are busy building a big ugly sprawl the size of New York with less than 1/4 of the population. Such backwards mindset over here; I'd move to Vancouver in an instant if a house there didn't cost $750,000.

We need some original people here to help Toronto out.

See toronto, dirty, violence, fake, new york


The biggest and the most well - known city in Canada.

There is nothing clean about this city. People from Toronto say that there is a nice clean subway. Please tell me what is clean about our subway i am a bit confused. I live in Toronto and have wondered for years what has happened to this city. I also don't understand why people are constantly acting "ganster" in this city if you really want to be a better city then all the others in Canada try acting normal. They pretend like they are the best when really they are the scum of Ontario.

See, scum, dirty


Since Vancouver has filled the "Best place in the universe" category, residents of this mediocre sprawling mess have only the size of "T dot" to fall back on, thus hailing it the centre of the universe, or of Canada at least, (since mid-size US cities like even Detroit are larger than Toronto). In a highschool, Toronto would be the fat ugly chick with inferiority complex and a rich daddy.

Torontonian: Yeah, TDot's the best man! Downtown Canada! What does your little town have to offer, huH??"

(Gets owned by someone from any Canadian city)

"Yeah, city is bigger than yours!!!"

See torontonian, tdot, sprawl, ugly, fat


N. The largest city in Canada located on Lake Ontario with a population of 4 million in the greater area


1.Very clean & efficient subway and transit comission

2.Very Safe for a North American City of its size

3.Strong civic Economy

4.Home to Major league baseball, basketball and hockey

5.Very Nice summers

6.World Class train station


1.There are a lot of immigrants including but not limited to Jamacans who try to emulate New York City culture and believe they live repressed post slave lives of African Amercans even though they live in the world's most accepting country and they are probably on welfare.

2. Downtown has the most lousy architecture in the West

3.There are lots of limpwrists, metrosexuals and sex maniacs

4. There is an attitude that Toronto is superior to the rest of Canada even though cities like Montreal and Vancouver deliver where Toronto falls short.

5. They try too hard to be like an American city while hating the USA at the same time

6. Gangster wanna bees think calling it is hardcore. They think they are tough until they go to L.A., Miami, Detroit or D.C. and get torn to shit because they're all boys in a mans world.

Toronto has a lot to offer but it is not as world class as it thinks it is and it is a poser city.

* Yo mon look at me fool I ride the Finch ave 36 D bus in tha because I'm on welfare and I hate White Boys even though they let me immigrate to this land so I can smoke ganja and wear mecca.

* The 1992/93 Toronto blue jays were a damn good club

See toronto, faggot, limpwrist, metrosexual, subway, city, ontario, canada


Massive and poorly planned sprawl somewhere on the shores of lake Ontario. Dunno which dimwit decided to start a settlement in that flat wasteland (at least Calgary and Edmonton have their money-making oil fields).

Otherwise a pretty clean city, streets are well kept, freeway and transit system are efficient. Got some nice neat-looking suburbs, but if you're from someplace awesome like Vancouver, you'd think it's a dump cuz it's all brick...then again what other material will protect you from "freezing flesh" warnings common throughout half the year. Oh, every single house looks exactly the same; there's only one style throughout the entire metropolitan region. Entire golden horseshoe area is developed with highrises randomly popping up here and there; can never tell when you're leaving one city and entering the next.

Locals like to dress up fancy and act sophisticated, to remind themselves that they're the centre of the universe. Maybe it's the bad climate, or they just don't get out much, but compared to Vancouverites or Montrealers, Torontonians are an unattractive people, like that brown hairy female news anchor on CityTV they threw in just to prove how multicultural they are. City itself tries to imitate New York, and fails miserably.

Don't get me started on's embarrassing; downtown is built in the 60's so not their fault there...but in the suburbs like Scarborough and Mississauga, they have gay pointy Chryler Buildingesque spires on their residential towers, just to make it look architectural. Pathetic...nothing's original.

But if you just want to work and make some money for now and then move to Vancouver when you're rich, Toronto's the place to go. Housing is cheaper than Vancouver by a lot, and so is everything else. Essentially it's a nice city that provides you with everything you need, although not necessarily what you want.

Just don't forget your snowboots, gloves, shovels, matches and signal flares when you go out.

"Half my friends left Toronto and moved to Vancouver"

See architecture, vancouver, sprawl, torontonian, multicultural


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