
What is Torontonian?



1. A person who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2. A gracious and tolerant sort of guy or gal who listens with Herculean patience and nothing but a sad sigh now and then as every ill-educated sheep-shagger, penniless cod-kisser, sexually confused lumberjack and soulless oil tycoon befouling the rest of the country badmouths him tirelessly because they don't have half the cool shit that he does.

3. A person who starts feeling suicidal every year around the time of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

4. Someone who pays fully half of their income in taxes so that a bunch of miserable ingrates living in shacks can spend half the year on the dole, scratching their Molson muscles and bitching about how much they hate Torontonians.

5. A person who can find everything she needs within a twenty-minute walk or bike-ride from her front door.

6. A resident of the 416area code, but mercifully not of the 905.

7. Someone who is too polite to tell his best friend, who lives in Vancouver, that, 'No, frankly I really don't wish I lived in Vancouver. Not everyone on the whole fucking planet wants to live in Vancouver, for Christ's sake. Besides, your whole goddamned drug-infested city's going to slide into the ocean some day, be it global warming, act of heavenly retribution, or one tremendous motherfucking earthquake. So there.'

Albertan: Torontonians are a bunch of Jesus-hating faggots. We should separate from Canada to get away from them.

Quebecker: Torontonians are a bunch of money-hungry conservatives. We should separate from Canada to get away from them.

Newfoundlander: Torontonians are a bunch of self-centred arses. We should separate from Canada to get away from them

Torontonian: I wish all those fucking leeches would separate from Canada so that I wouldn't have to pay for all their goddamned cigarettes and health care any more.

See toronto, 416, 905, ontario, canada, alberta, vancouver, quebec, loveboat


While often misunderstood by fellow Canadians as someone who pretends to occupy the center of the universe, upon visiting this fair city these misguieded compatriots find themselves compelled to admit that the Torontonian actually does.

A native inhabitant of the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, the Torontonian has also been known to inhabit snowy hills and wooded climbs...and to lament the abysmal record of one of the most poorly managed professional hockey teams of all time.

See calgarian, sage, scholar


A person that was born or lived/lives in Toronto or have spent a large part or formative of their career in that city Toronto,Ontario,Canada (Ter-ron-tone-ee-in)

Similar to the term Canadian.

Toronto is the largest city in all of Canada.

Other Terms/Nicknames for Toronto Are:

T-Dot; T.O; Hogtown; The Big Smoke; Toronto the good


"TORONTO is tha besstt !!"

I am Torontonian and proud of it !

See toronto, canada, lived, career, city, lives


The biggest spoiled brats in all of Canada. From Cape Spear to Victoria, no one worse.

A pansy Torontonian corssed my path the other way, so I gave him a good Newfoundlander smack upside the head! How do you like that, eh?!

See strong badian


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