
What is Torrid?


Description of HELL

Overwhelmingly hot and/or humid

The torrid pits of hell awaiteth the sinner, if he so choose to believeth in it

See larstait


a very fat woman who wears clothing that is too tight and shows off her very gross jelly rolls. This woman usually shops at torrid. Hence the name.

"dude that chick is so fat! I can see her jelly rolls!"

"yeah man she's uber torrid!"

See jelly rolls, fatty fat fat, butter face, lard, gross


An awesome clothing store made by the same people that made Hot Topic. It has all types of clothing, in sizes Large-4XL.

A very nice alternative for women with a little extra bagage.

Tori:Hey Tatem, Where did you get that cute top?!

Tatem:Well gee wiz Tori, I got it at Torrid!

See clothing, punk, hot topic


a clothing store for "REAL WOMEN"

I love torrid there clothes rock fukk skinny b1tches



1. The area (zone) on the surface of the planet between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.

2. extremely hot and dry or hot as in passionate

3. a clothing store which retails to women of a Large or bigger size.

1. Most of Africa is located inside the Torrid Zone.

2. The Sahara Desert is torrid and vast.

3. Torrid provides Hot Topic clothes to the market of larger woman.

See torrid, cancer, capricorn, equator


Intolerably lengthy, demanding or dull.

He's writing a book about the history of the semi-colon, you say? Torrid!

I've had a torrid afternoon at the photocopyer.


Hot Topic for fat chicks

Bertha ways 500 pounds. She shops at torrid


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