
What is Torrington?


Torrington could be described as a run down ghetto with some nice middle class neighbrhoods and a few wealthy upper class neighborhoods/ developments. The "city" of Torrington has several dumpy plazas and strip malls along with the lack of any significant nightlife coupled with hardly any restaurants ! Unless you consider McDonalds and Burger King your restaurant of choice ! The closure of several major firms has left Torrington's local econamy stagnating and several other major manufacturers and retailers are considering leaving the area. The average income is around $40,000 and the population is around 35,000 and growing. Thankfully you can meet a lot of citizens who make more than $40,000 and live the lifestyle of most Americans !

Becka: U wanna go shopping in Torrington ?

Ashley: Omg no that crappy ass ghetto ?

Becka: Don't worry my cousin lives in a Gated Development there so don't worry bout getting mugged !


City of 35,000 in the northwest hills of Connecticut. Has an extremely good looking mayor who is 24. Has its share of raggies, but neighboring Winsted is home of the raggy. There is a severe lack of anything to do past 9 pm. There are no clubs, an assload of Dunkin Donuts and other fast food establishments. There is, however, a stop on liquor store permits because there are so damn many. The population consists of scant few whites, lots of white trash wiggers, a shitload of hispanics, and quite a few blacks that aren't Dominican. There are two high schools in town: Torrington High, and Oliver Wolcott Tech. OWTS is the better one and a better ticket outta Torrington. Half the student population may be high, but they don't have STDs at that rate. There also is not a 20 percent dropout rate at OWTS either. Torrington High is filled with the scum of the city and kids who were too dumb to get into Tech. The south side is the ghetto, the east side is actually nice, and the north and west sides are somewhere between, with west being slightly better than north, despite the fact that Torrington's only projects are located on the west side. Shopping in town is poor, limited to KMart, Walmart, and Target. For the last 8 years there has been talk of downtown revitalization, and in those 8 years NOTHING has happened.

Torrington is a dead end shithole. And despite what some may think, its no better than Winsted.

See torrington, winsted, raggy, t-town


Torrington is the asshole of Litchfield County.It totally fucking stinks.Harboring the second highest number of mentally retarded citizens in CT and is the new found home of Waterbury's rejects (Highwoods anyone??).And if you're in need of a heroin fix or whatevers on your menu,then the South End is for you.Cumby's is right on the corner for when you get the munchies,as well as Dunkin' Donuts and the crack house,excuse me,coffee house.You can just walk your suspended licensed (DUI) ass across the damn street.

Those folks who do earn an honest living and own homes in the nicer nieghborhoods wake up on the wrong side of bed every morning because they just don't quite make enough to LIVE in Litchfield.It burns their asses having to walk out their door only to face what I've just described,cuz nomatter where you live,it's still T-Town.

Just over half of Torrington Highs crack head population ever graduate,they drop out due to drugs,pregnancy,or they're just plain fucking stupid.OWTS isn't much of an improvment,believe me.The students carry a self rightous pompous attitude like their shit don't stink.You're still in T-Town,there's no escape!!Just because you're an A+ (A= Ass kisser) student doesn't mean your better than the rest you little rope smokin' weenie chompers!

There's no nightlife,no good restaurants or shopping,no scenic views,no reason to come here because there's a whole lot of jack shit to do.

All this nestled amongst the rolling hills of New Englands very own Litchfield County.

Jane:"That guy has a Walmart attitude,friggin fucktard".

Dick:"What's that supposed to mean?"

Jane:"It means he must be from Torrington".

See torrington, litchfield, heroin, dunkin donuts


Torrington is a city in Connecticut. torrington is a slang meaning to insult one, only if one ofended.

"Dude that guy is really white trash".

"I agree thats some tought torrington right there".


torrington is the biggest shithole in the world, anyone who shops at walmart or walks around downtown in ripped clothes is a raggy, which is over 70 percent of the population. i am so disgusted that i actually work there.

"did you see that fat dirty lady enter tj maxx?" - kyle

"yeah i see it all the time, the plaza is raggy central." -joe

See matt


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