
What is Totals?



means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.

Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"

See totals, total, totally, complete, text



means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.

Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"

See total, totally, whole


The word used in front of another word to emphasize the second word's humourous phonetic sound.

Steve: Mr. Dickie is the worst teacher ever.

Dave: Totals Dickie.

-The original totals word was "totals Las Vegas".

See totally, fucked, stupid, awkward, hilarious


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