Totem Pole

What is Totem Pole?


a stacked xanax bar (z-bars) with four sections.

What are you going to do tonight? I am gonna eat some totem poles and get wasted.


When at least five gay (or curious) guys watch a movie on a couch and enter each other by sitting on one another's laps. Being the bottom of the totem pole is the straightest position, whereas the top is the gayest. Basically a vertical train.

Hey guys, lets watch wanted with no pant on... TOTEM POLE, I get to be bottom!

See anal sex, train, trains


To engage in cunnilingus while one person straddles another, standing person.

Because I totem poled Jane last night, I am washing the hand prints off the ceiling.

See cunnilingus, foreplay, fun


A vernacular term for the 2mg bar shaped Xanax (alprazolam) tablets used and abused by teens & adults alike.

Yo, you need any footballs? No, but I'll take some Totem Poles if you got 'em.


That girl just ate 3 Totem Poles, she's not gonna remember shit tomorrow.

See zannies, xanax, alprazolam


The act of pooping, where a single log of poop touches the bowl of the toilet while still attached to the anus.

Johnny was in the bathroom stall when all of a sudden he yelled out 'TOTEM POLE' after having accomplished the mega log from butt to bowl in 1 piece.

See logger, poop, feces, pole, totem


Guy sits on a couch with a girl facing backwords as he penetrates her. From there, another guy climbs on her shoulders and puts his cock in to her mouth. Another girl climbs on to his shoulders and recieves oral from him, she holds on to a suspended bar to give the totem pole stability.

Guy: Dude, we have a ton of people together! Lets do a totem pole!

Girl: You sure?

Guy: Yea! We gotta do this orgy the right way!

See totem, pole, orgy, group sex


to give it up the ass. anal.

kaylob totem poled kayla all through the night, she later told amanda propaganda about the happening.

See totem pole, propaganda, amanda, anal


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