
What is Toto?


vagina (pussy)

i was up in some toto earlier


used in many countries in reference to the female genitalia though the language is not indigenious to one country, the word has its roots in africa

toto is a type of thin', toto is a type of place, everybody like toto

See Mobbin


A band that began in the late 70's and dominated in the 80's. They had such hits as 'Hold The Line' and 'Africa' which is used in GTA Vice City

When my friend said that Toto sucked I DDT'ed him onto the floor


A manufacturer of toilets and urinals. Sometimes this word is used as a substitute of the word Toilet.

"I need to use the Toto".

See toilet, poop, waste, plumbing


toto is a ghetto word for pussy or vagina. used mainly by hispanics, especially Puerto Ricans and Mexicans. It is also said as tot (pronouced as thoat, throat without the r)


man1: hermano, u see that sexy chica over there?

man2: yeah, Dam id luv to hit that tot

man1: well, I tore that toto up last night

Ex2 (just 4 laughs)

Dorthy from wizard of oz grabs herself and says, "toto I dont think we are in kansas anymore."

See toto, tot, thoat, tota, pussy, vagina


toto is the true snobe,arrogante, selfish streetboy.

mr. antonio leite is the tótó

See tótó, mr, selfish


male's genital

omg, my baby's toto is really big.

See dick, cock, n, so, on


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