What is Tourettes Guy Syndrome?


When you randomly think of a scene in a Tourettes Guy video, and it causes you to laugh out loud while in public, making people question what you are laughing about.

The following Tourettes Guy quotes can all lead to Tourettes Guy Syndrome:

Danny (Tourettes Guy): - What the hell do you mean a peter pan peanut butter alert?

- Fuck Salt!!

- Fuck you! Fuck you and all the mall santas that look like you!

- Fuck you Rick Moranis! Fuck you and your.....pussy whipped friends!

- Bob Saget! or Fashion Bug!

- Suck my dick!.. or Cock!

- Pissing out the window! and shitting out the window! are 2! different! things!! *pushes camera man down the stairs*

- Allright! Who wrinkled my randy travis poster!?!? pissed the seat and hid my keys!?!?

- You mean colonel cluster fuck?


- That's not mickey mouse that's just tit dirt!

- Dom Deluise? He used to be a chef, on tv, BUT NOW HE JUST SITS AT HOME! WITH HIS ASS, UP HIS ASS!!

- Let me tell you, about a porcupines balls, they're small, AND THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT!!

See tourettes guy, tit dirt, chewbaca taking a shit


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