
What is Toush?


When people are talking with each other a lot. Hanging out, but a little more intimate.

Working on something.

A verb that can be used for pretty much any action.

Jess and Mel were toushing last night.

Claire is toushing chemistry right now.

See toush toush, work, nate, dagger, caz


A word you use when 'douche' isn't strong enough. The word must be pronounced phonetically (rhymes with douche), since 'touche' is that faggy word that fencers use, and tush is your butt. And toushe just doesn't look right.

Girl: Well, I said I was going to go out with you tonight but now I think I'll just stay home but maybe tomorrow night or something we could . . .

Guy: Bitch, why ya gotta be such a toush?

See douche, cunt, bitch, douchebag, douche hat, women


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