What is Tpd?
Stands for the Tucson Police Department of Tucson, Arizona. They claim to protect and serve, but actually spend most of their time harassing ordinary tax-payers to turn a profit. The majority of the department's resources are dedicated to traffic violators, which provide a widely accessible form of internal revenue. They are often seen sporting a mustache, even the females, and looking like the assholes they are. Most of their bitterness toward humanity comes from the fact that their bosses line their greedy pockets while dicking them on their shitty wages (in the typical Tucson fashion).
TPD is mostly just a bunch of small-cocked assclowns. Their motorcycle cops are such pieces of human excrement. They all look like a bunch of jockey rejects and only feel good about themselves because they are taller than you when you're sitting in your car.
TPD is short for Tiny Penis Disease
Louis got pants'd in gym class yesterday and everybody got to see that he had TPD.