What is Tpo?
totally pissed off about a situation, or on somebody.
Sooraj, Bharat were walking back from the office. Sooraj, looked annoyed at the amount of work he'd to finish. He hated Chinese and he lost the bet with Bharat, so he had to do what Bharat said.
Bharat: How was ur day,man?
Sooraj: Don't talk me into it,OK?
Bharat:Fine.We eat Chinese today, remember that?
Sooraj:Not today,man. I beg you.
Bharat:But, why? Remember, you lost the bet.
Sooraj:Please, not today.
Bharat:Why, TPO?
Sooraj:Yeah, whatever.
TPO stands for Team Pop Off. a gang started at swiftwater intermeadte school. th captins formally known as Jamaal Stewart and Emily bratcher Run the gang. The men in the gang are known as shares.
Every girl that is in the gang is shared among a group of men. usally 5-6 they have no choice but to except it when a man comes up to her and wants something.
"Emily was the first female ever in TPO"
True Players Only. For instance, a 60" plasma tv would be TPO, or anything else that is ridiculously expensive.
The Rims on that guys car are TPO.
turd poking out
i gotta get to a bathroom, i got a TPO