
What is Tps?


Abbreiviation of Three Point Stance

OMG Asstaroth ruined TPS v1.

See misc, miscer, thwap, kitchen


A report made famous in Office Space. One must remember to put a cover sheet on all TPS reports as per the latest memo.

Ummm...yeah....i'm going to need you to go ahead and put cover sheets on all your TPS reports.

See report, office, space, lundberg


Torsonic Polarity Syndrome

Causes people to have butts where their heads should be.

Dude look at the ass people! No dude, they have TPS.


third person shooter

this is the short name for an third person shooter


As defined in South Park, an episode in which the kids decided to post a false missing ad for Kenny on the milk cartons and a couple with Tolsatic Polarity Syndrome (TPS) claim the son is theirs.

Symptons include:

Speech impetiment of making a frt sound during crying and pronouncing the letter S.

Throwing up after consumption of chili and laxatives.

Ocassional belching.

A habit of telling people you have TPS when it is very obvious every damn second.

This disease is so funny it almost made Cartman claim he can no longer laugh since he "saw something so funny he will never see anything again that is so funny".

I SHSHSHSeem (Seems) to have T.P.ESHSHHSHS! (TPS)

It iSHSHSHS (is) SHSHSHSo (so) SHSHSHSHSad (sad)

See tps, south park, milk, carton, polarity, disorder, ass face, s



A Norwegian term short for "Tar da på sikt", wich means that you don't know if you wanna do/join whatever the other person are talking about.


Often used when you dont wanna do something, but don't want so say no. A kind of excuse.


Dennis: " Should we meet later?"

Jonas: " I think I have to work, im not sure, tps."


Kokjen: " Wanna go with me to church today?"

Pavoboy: " Ehhhh... tps"

See tps, norwegian, norge, tar, da, sweden, excuse


The Pirate Society is a community devoted primarily to filesharing topics, mainly bittorrent, with sections devoted to tracker invites. However, one may find just about any and every topic discussed, TPS is a large thriving online community with tremendous diversity which is shared by all its members.

Tps may refer also to:

- Third-person shooter

- Transactions per second


dude1: wtf!! u re using FtN tracker!!!!

dude2: hell yeah! got my invitation from TPS last night :)

See tracker, private, torrent, pirate, society, bittorrent, ftn, ptn


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