
What is Trace?


decribes the act of following in someone's particular way of life, like using tracing paper to make a duplicate of an original.

"man, don't trace those kids, be yourself."

See pose, poser, follower, loser, herb


To describe something in a good fashion, or one who is collected and composed

Pronounciation: 'Trase

Function: Adjective

Origin of Definiton: Patrick Mahoney & Thomas Chamberlain of Groton, Massachusetts. June 2 ,2005

Also See: Crazy, cool, sick, dope.

"yo man that shit is trace"

"yeah that guy is trace"


another name for the drug marijuana.

"do you know where I could get some trace"

"Man, I was so traced last night"

See marijuana, weed, grass, pot, hooner


A well-balanced metriod prime hunters character balancing speed and effectivness, although he cannot do well in short range combat, in long range he can snipe the victims head, with the help of his affinity weapon the imperilist. His long range capability is regarded as "amazing" although the players who do critisize are often n00bs. His alternate form can transform him into a creature and when an enemy crosses his path he can strike them down in an instant, sometimes skilled Trace users will be able to se his stealth ability to win, although it is very hard to pull off. n00bs also critisize this because they dont get it that they have a jump capability.

player 1: Holy crap that guys is cheap!

player 2: Err that Trace character is hard to use if you are not skilled.

player 1: HAHAHA alright then ill try him.

*after 10 mins*

player 1: damn your right, im gonna stick with sylux and his cheap cannon.

See metroid, prime, sylux, trace, noob


Trace is a metroid prime character who has a sniper rifle and can turn invisible during certain times.

only to be played as by experienced players.

Player 1: man trace just sniped me in the head.

Player 2: yep got you good.

player 2: man i wish i was skilled.

See sniper, trace, sylux, metroid, good


A total Noob character in Metroid prime hunters. When facing a trace its like finding a black guy at night school because he turns invisible and thats ALL what trace users do, also they snipe you WHILE there invisible, and when there not doing that they are in alternate form WHICH ALSO MAKES YOU INVISIBLE AND DOES 60 damage when they attack you in alt while your health is at 90 by default. When facing trace you would rather stick the Titanic and Gabe Newell up your ass because you can never find trace, but trace ALWAYS FINDS YOU. You will always get sniped in the head and can never ever have fun. Trace users also whine and complain about Sylux users just beacuse sylux is fast and they cant get a headshot on him, they will never let go of that even after 2 years. Its actually quite sad to see some nerds argue pointlessly about a game, even after wasting 2 years of their life arguing.

If you use trace its ok, but if you use trace as you main character then your a nub.

Also, click the Sylux button to see what I mean.

See noob, nub, shit, invisible, trace, sylux, weavel


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