What is Tracers?
The lines you see after things have already moved from their previos state after consumption of too much alcohol and or too much drugs.
The burning glow of hot lead flying by from a gun.
Oh man im so messed up im seeing tracers.
Oh Shiznit that was so close I saw the tracer duck.
the visual sensation of images seeming to have a trail behind them due to eat a lot of mushrooms.
dude, when i turn my head i get all sorts of these freaking sweet tracers, o my look at the unicorn!
The remaining fecal matter left behind after the first flush.
"You need to flush twice man, you're leaving tracers!!"
AKA: corn
Dan - "awe man, I took a huge shit and I had some tracers"
Mike - "tracers? Did you have corn for dinner"?
people finders, searchers, locators of long lost friends etc. People who are employed to find other people.
My friend dropped out of everything to go follow the grateful dead after candyflipping one night, so her mom hired some tracers to bring her back.