
What is Traf?



The act of absorbing air and other psychedelic and psychotropic substances into one's rectum for delirium, or short-term high effects. Items commonly traffed include silicon pellets, anti-static foam and canned air (also referred to frequently as an "air embolism"(can be fatal)).

Bro, let's traf some pellets to ease the pain!

I'm traffed to shit, dude

I think I'm dying! I traffed too hard.

Let's fart those pellets back out. I just passed a TRAFfic cop!

See fart, embolism, anus, rectum


the opposite of spelling. when you say traf, you think you're being so smart because no one knows that you actually mean FARRRRT!! So, you can pretend that you're a genius for while, until ppl search up what TRAF means on slangdefine and find out that it actually means some sort of backwards fart with perhaps some sexual connotation...and begin to find you really creepy for saying earlier, "man, this pudding smells like traf.' then a process which i like to call "traf-ficking" beings by which all your friends find you too creepy to hang around and slowly but surly, you become obsolete, thin air, a faint memory. 'tis sad.

"man, i smell traf"

"why the hell would anyone be dumb enough to attack a skunk? it'll only spray traf everywhere."


When a combination of people's farts mix, and then, for some strange reason, you find anything funny and laugh out loud.

If you were sat in the staffroom at work and you all start farting and everything just bcomes funny and you don't know why, this would be traf.

See traf, fart, laugh, out, loud, funny


A reverse fart. Performed by spreading a partners butt cheeks and blowing inwards.

Yo, my girlfriend traf'd me last night and my sack blew up like a puffer fish.


Extremey rare reverse-fart, where air is sucked into the anus while individual is down on all fours. Usually followed by a garden-variety fart.

The old nun let in an almost inaudible traf as she knelt at the altar.


The action of sucking flatulence back whence it came.

I really needed to fart while in that meeting so I had to traf it for release once I was outside.


A reverse fart. Instead of farting normally, the fart goes back into your stomach. It's usually silent and cannot be controlled.

I couldn't hold the fart any longer during the meeting so I traf'd. Never eat a burrito for lunch.

See fart, traf, reverse, silent


traf v (back-formation from traffic) - to drive in heavy traffic, to be held in traffic, to trail in slow traffic.

Back-formation is the creation of a simpler or shorter form from a pre-existing more complex form: "edit" from "editor," "intuit from intuition."

Now, "traf" from "traffic."

I traffed for an hour before I could get home.

I've been traffing for two hours before I could even stop by a gas station to have a cup of coffee.


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