What is Trail Mix?
(n.) 1. a combination of granola, raisins, M&Ms, etc. that tastes like a dirt path: usually eaten by hippies and ravers; 2. a combination of
1. I had some trail mix and my penis fell off.
2. I had some trail mix and my penis fell off.
mixture of assorted powdered drugs. May include meth, coke, crushed ecstasy tablets, and K - if its been prepared by a circuit boi, probably contains Viagra as well.
Preferred by some because you get a little bit of the effect of all of the above at the same time, without too much of any one substance.
I've got a bumper full of trail mix, so you know we'll still be goin' hard at afterhours when the last of these tragic spent whores is trickin for one more bump.
"Who wants trail mix?!?!?!"
a snortable combination of crystal meth, cocaine, and ketamine
shall we do some trail mix before we get to the white party?
The action of a male sticking his penis into a woman's vagina, then to her ass, then back to her vagina, and leaving a poo trail on the way.
I was nailing this chick last night, got bored and stuck it in her ass then trail mixed back into her vag...giggity.
The act of initiating multiple alternating entries into both of a woman's holy orifices during her time of cleansing, resulting in a runny trail of what appears to be dried cranberries and chocolate covered raisins, sometimes but not reliably including several varieties of nuts or corn.
I tried to give Ang a swift donkey punch but I didn’t know it was harvest time. Now I have trail mix stains all over the linen
Visible venerial disease and infestation around a woman's pubic area.
Eeech. She was laden with trail mix. I wasn't *that* desperate.
When somebody takes a nasty shit and does not wipe properly causing some fecal matter to decorate their underwear. They leave a trail mix of poop in their underwear.
Billy: Dude I just shit and I feel like there is some residue in my boxers.
Harry: you must wipe better so you dont have trail mix in your boxers.
Billy: Thanks for the tip. I will wipe better so I do not have trail mix in my boxers next time after I poop.