Tranny Cock

What is Tranny Cock?


Slightly slang term used by many (not all) transmen, or female to male transexuals to describe their phallus. The female clitoris grows into a small penis as a result of testosterone therapy. FYI, we all start out in the womb as female, and in the beginning, we all have a clitoris. It is the introduction of hormones in the womb, determined by our chromosomes, that determine our sex.

He had never been with a transguy before, but the idea of this guys hard, wet tranny cock throbbing in those tight, faded Levis was driving him wild.

See transman, transguy, ftm, t, cock


A tranny cock is when you have a penis and a vagina. You have both and then you got your operation to fix it.

I'll be fixing my tranny cock soon. Yay.

See tranny, transgender, cocks, balls, vagina, surgery


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