Tranny Surprise

What is Tranny Surprise?


the result of 3 bottle of jack daniels, a bed, and a woman with a penis. god damn i miss that woman... er... thing

When i woke up the next morning, i was in for a tranny surprise!

See oh no, yikes, scary, tanked


When you find out that the person you thought was a dude or a chick turns out to be the opposite. You find out they have a vagina instead of a penis. Therefore, you get a tranny suprise.

Vitale wouldnt show his dick so mary was getting a little worried. She caught him buck naked in the shower and finally saw why he was so secretive and abnormal about showing his dick. He had a little 'tranny surprise' downstairs.

See dick, balls, vagina, tranny, suprise, disgust, shock


when going to perform sex with a woman and find out that they have a dick.

my girlfriend turned out to be a tranny surprise.

See transexual, hermaphrodite


A tranny surprise is something that seems like it may be good, but then turns out to be super bad. Any number of things can be considered a tranny surprise. A girl (see monet), that new car you bought that turns out to be a piece of shit, or a test that was suppose to be easy.

Hey mang, how did you do on that test?

Not so good Aubri. I thought it was gonna be hellaeasy, so instead of studying I partied all night, got super wasteyface, and woke up next to this chick.


No, not really. The girl turned out to be a super janketymonet.

Ohhh that sucks. You got double tranny surprised.

Yeah. I heard you got an “A” on the test though, goodjaubri!

See unlucky, monet, tranny, surprise, bad


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