
What is Transsexualdyke?


A person born into the wrong birth sex and body of a male, with the internal gender and brain-sex of the the opposite gender which is female. These individuals are strongly attracted to other females, in a great number of cases, even from an early age. When undergoing the physical correction to align their bodies to their internal gender, their attraction to females remains constant and unchanged, regardless of the amount of Estrogen during HRT, or Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Despite popular myth, and with more of these women bravely stepping forward, we know that more of these types of diverse Transsexuals do exist than previously reported over the years.

"Did Liz tell you? She's a Transsexualdyke, she came out as not only a dyke, but she also came out with her Transsexual past!"

See transsexualdyke


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