Tray Slidin'

What is Tray Slidin'?


When you only have a front wheel drive car, Steal some mcdonald trays, or where ever you go to eat and put them under your rear tires and put the emergency brake on, It will be the same as if you had a RWD car, basically it will do turn arounds in place if it has enough power. Sidshows for Honda's, FWD Nissan's, Toyota's, all imports with FWD.

(Caution) This is an illegal act and very addicting like drugs. Hopefully this will spread, Just like car sideshows came from the BAY AREA, so did this so get it right.

After i ghost rided my whip i got some tray at mcdonalds and swang my shit because its front wheel drive,

whats that called?

Square bear, thats called tray slidin'

See bay area, ghost ride, sideshow, what it do, yadidimean


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