
What is Treacle?



From the cockney rhyming slang 'treacle tart'.

See Eastendersfor countless examples of this and other classics such as 'you're 'aving a barf'

See Ben


coloquial (UK): An attractive woman.

Alroit there treacle? Sorry.. hey! come back duchess!

See Spencer


molassas, honey is also described as treacle.

Please get the jar of treacle (molassas) off the pantry shelf for our treacle tarts.

See honey, treacle, sugar, sweet


Pronounced 'tray-a-kul' - a person who hails from the Mid Wales town of Welshpool. Apparently there used to be (and still may be) a treacle factory there.

At least I'm not an in-bred like you, you treacle c**t!


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