
What is Treason?


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

(United States Constitution)

The founding fathers were wise to define treason so narrowly that only a handful of people were charged with treason and fewer were actually convicted.

But this has not stopped brown nosing Bush supporters and Republican talking heads from spouting off all the time that anyone who disagrees with Republicans - especially with golden boy Georgie - using the treason label.


saying you're going to hang out with your friends and then faking. commiting crime against your crew/ friends.

yo, that dude commits treason 24-7. he always says hes gonna come and then fakes at the last minute

See faking, faker, liar, lame-o


A term missused by Right Wing Smear Artist Ann Coulter used to loosely label her political opponents while completely ignoring the true meaning of the word as outlined within the United States Constitution.

Adj: Treasonous

1. Ann Coulter: "Oh, no, that was treasonous" In response to a statement made by Senator Ted Kennedy.

2. U.S. Constitution: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."


1. The crime of killing one's king or leader.

2. Another(less user) word for commiting traitorism, where one attacks one's own people on the battlefield.

Aly commited treason, but she got away.

See aly, traitor, kill, shoot, king


The Random House College Dictionary says:

1. Violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state; high treason

2. U.S. such a violation directed against the United States, and consisting of only levying war against the U.S. or in adhering to its enemies or giving them aid and comfort

Going by definition, people of the United States are committing treason for wishing their country to lose in the Iraq War. And while it may be a necessary war in the eyes of many, it is not a good reason to root for the enemy where if victorious, will bring consequences to one's self and his countrymen.

America is lenient towards such actions defined as treason for the right of freedom of speech, a right many countries do not have the privilege to.

"America sucks! We should lose this war and let the poor Iraqi people be!"

"Back before America came, those people and their families would be killed for saying something like that. This country we live in is kind for letting its people commit acts that could be defined as 'treason' across the globe."

"America still is terrible and George Bush is an idiot!"

"Yes, because we all know that the leader of a country represents ALL of the country's people..."

See treason, betrayal, bush, traitor, ignorant


The Random House College Dictionary says:

1. Violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state; high treason

2. U.S. such a violation directed against the United States, and consisting of only levying war against the U.S. or in adhering to its enemies or giving them aid and comfort

Going by definition, people of the United States are committing treason for wishing their country to lose in the Iraq War. And while it may be a necessary war in the eyes of many, it is not a good reason to root for the enemy where if victorious, will bring consequences to one's self and his countrymen.

America is lenient towards such actions defined as treason for the right of freedom of speech, a right many countries do not have the privilege to.

"America sucks! We should lose this war and let the poor Iraqi people be!"

"Back before America came, those people and their families would be killed for saying something like that. This country we live in is kind for letting its people commit acts that could be defined as 'treason' across the globe."

"America still is terrible and George Bush is an idiot!"

"Yes, because we all know that the leader of a country represents ALL of the country's people..."

See treason, america, freedom of speech


The act of traveling to a foreign country and shitting on your own country to a bunch of Islamic animals.

Dennis Kucinich and the Democrat Party

While it is an act of treason, members of the Democrat Party find giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States is patrotic.

See democrat, dennis, syria, treason


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