
What is Trendies?


A 'teenage tribe' of Britain.They're not townies nor sk8ers,but:

1.Celebrity obsessed shitholes who read OK magazine and other such crap.

2.The males tend to read FHM and worship bimbo sluts like Jordan!

3.They are driven by mainstream,popular culture and only relate to those who watch soaps and other such crap(eg Footballers' Wives).

4.They love shit pop or dance music!

5.The male dress code:Denim,loose,hanging shirts and styled hair.Females:Denim and anything with a designer logo.

I fucking hate them-total scum of society!

We're dressed like shots and then we fuck each other!


A more upclass version of a townie, usually aged between 15-25. they hate goths, punks, or indeed anyone who doesn't follow the crowd. The blokes usually wear jeans and a shirt, and the girls (who are all blonde) wear pink, baby blue and white. only. Their entire lives consist of getting pissed at the weekend.

Wankers, the lot of em.

there's a crowd of trendies outside the offlicence again.


These sad little people come in great numbers, socialise only with themselves and follow the fashion, religiously!

Girls: Brown hair with blonde highlights, "Friends" hairstyles, retro shoes, big tacky white and teal square earrings, always obsessed about their hair/makeup/perfume/clothes/bags/music/friends/celebritys/tv programs etc..., they must do anything that will make them as popular as ever!

Boys: must have retro hair, must wear American sports shoes, and must listen to the Darkness, and be incredibly funny so the girls laugh stupidly, and flirt like whores.

These wannabes hate goths, punks, greebos and townies because they don't dress like them and therefore "are not popular enough"

"Touchin youuuuuuuuuu, Omg, did you see "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" last night? *gasp* look at my nails,if you get a microscope you can see a tiny crack... did you see what Grace was wearing? Really out of season!

See Georgie


Latte swilling, Tight t-shirt wearing wannabes - Who quite happily worship the ground celebrities walk on... Those unfortunate souls who've convinced themselves just how "cool" they actually are, because they can afford to spend £6 on a cup of "latte-double-milk-frockacinno", whilst sitting there judging just about everyone else on just how low they actually are! - These trendies plague the streets with there tight jeans, or flares, while purposely trying to pursuade themselves and everyone else they are acceptably beautiful for present day society!

Take a step into Starbucks -- (Yes, England is plagued with them too - Both Starbucks, and Trendies) - You'll immediately see a "trendy"...


Jeans and a T-shirt makes you trendy? Then im going naked. As i see it the goths, the punks, the preps, anything that walks and labels themselves is a trendy. They are the fads of society and keep your economy going, they shop j.c penny and hot topic, and watch mtv religiously hoping they dont miss out on the next trend. Listen to Jim Morrison and Bob Dylan thinking that that makes them sophisticated.Drinking Latte's not realizing its only milk.


These people have quite a tight circle of friends and generally enjoy taking the piss out of other people. They listen to dance or D n B and are usually out clubbing most nights, or inviting themselves to parties. Jurassic 5 was quite full of trendies actually. They generally dont get on with people that arent trendies and will usually sit outside at parties and smoke all night, if they dont smoke then they just sit and chat, but you rarely see them off their face, they usually have the odd social drink.

This parties full of trendies, nothing much is going to happen tonight then

See trendy, trendies, trendys


.... See




does it need an example ...


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