What is Tribute?
The greatest and best song in the world.
Tenacious D, Tribute.
Monies paid to an overlord or state agency for their protection and friendship.
To pay for a license, permit or other document to legally engage in fishing, hunting, driving etc.
To pay "protection money" to turf masters or other goons.
"Man I had to pay 35 dollars tribute just to go fishin' for the weekend"
"Dutchie got the shit knocked out of him for not paying tribute to the gang"
used by associates or members of the la cosa nostra. it's a percentage of money that is given to your boss. mainly used for protection from getting shaked down, extorted and killed by anyone else including the
I gave "Fat Hands" his tribute. It was the right thing to do.
an album by Ozzy Osbourne
Paranoid is on the album Tribute by Ozzy.
Used when something is stolen.
Person: Dude, you totally stole that joke from Teh Pixel.
Person 2: I prefer to think of it as a tribute.