What is Tribute To The Sandwich?


Thee Sand witch is the greatest sandwich, so great, it can never actually be recreated. Instead, one makes sandwiches with the similar ingredients as a tribute to "Thee Sandwich".

The Recipe is:

1. Mix cream cheese with sauteed apple slices, crushed walnuts(or other types), finely cut crispy sausages(or ham or something else, nobody is really sure), and finely chopped and cooked garlic.

2. Spread the mix over a slice of bread, and put another slice over it, like you would a sandwich.

3. Soak in batter of eggs mixed with Alfredo sauce.

4. Cook on a buttered pan over medium heat until golden brown on both top and bottom, and all 4 sides.

The exact ingredients and proportions are unknown, but this is as close as we have ever gotten to recreating this masterpiece.

Man, this Tribute to The Sandwich is the best meal I've ever had in my entire life! My life is finally complete! If I died today I would be completely content!

See tribute, sandwich, the, best, recipe, mmm


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