
What is Tricking?


a kind of extreme sport where the "athletes" do cool, fast, beautiful flips and kicks without any wires or trampolines

Mom, can I go to the gym tricking with my friends?


when dude always come out they pocket and neva let their lady pay.

this include clothes, shoes, movies, weed etc...

See lips


a combination of various forms of martial arts and gymnastics to perform visually appealing tricks/moves

Hey I'm new to tricking, I hear it's a good idea to start with the handsprings, backflip, frontflip, and aerial.

See martial arts, free running, parkour, pk


A form of acrobatics where practitioners focus mainly on linking together chains of acrobatic kicks, flips and twists in combinations, or combos. Trickers train and can be found in many locations, including fields, Martial Arts dojos, Gymnastics gyms, and even public locales. People who trick are known as Trickers or Tricksters.

Situations involving tricking might include the following scenarios:

Gymnast #1: *in flamboyant voice* Oh my god! Those stupid trickers are taking up the entire floor again!

Gymnast #2: At least they aren't as bad as those Parkour-Freerunner guys...

Tricker: Hey TKD guy! Look what I can do: *does Cheat 900*

Martial artist: You know that's completely useless in a fight!

Tricker: *jumps into random Bboy circle* Oh hai guyz! *does raiz swing thru cork*

Bboys: wtf gtfo you ain't got no rhythm! *does some top rockin, then goes into a 1990 to freeze*

Tricker #1: Dude I wanna battle youz!

Tricker #2: But I am le tired! It's totally like the end of the session!

See martial arts, free running, parkour, 540 kick, tricking


The Combination of Any Martial art,Gymnastics and Breakdancing-The Combination of These 3 Elements Creates a Artistic Lifestyle Known As "Tricking".

Tricking Is Known As The highest Level of Martial Arts,For many reasons,Not only are The three outlets strong in-Themselves But Combinding Them Makes an Artistic Desplay of talent Like NO other, Tricking Is Becoming Very Popular in todays Society,You can Do Tricking anywhere and Anytime By anyone That is fit and Athletic,People that are just starting out Tricking Should not attempt -Scotty Sceltons- "Tripple Cork" Serious,DONT ;)Start Small and work your Way up,Take your Time,"Martial Arts is a Lifetime Journey".

Tricking Is Mainly found in Cali and New York,But Hey What isnt :) "Trickers" are A Very Addaptive and Kind Race,And Shall not Be Labeled.Tricking can Be Found On "YouTube" And Loopkicks And if your lookking For Quick Amazement I Highly Suggest you Check it out :)

Lines in Tricking are being Pushed Everyday. Trickers Are Very Adapptive You Can Even combind different Typs of Martial Arts Together,liiiiiike->>>



Muay Tai/Ninjutsu

Hell All of The Above!+Gymnastics and Brakedancing 1 Word !WOW!

"Im Glad i Live in a Time Where Tricking Almost surpasses What Some ANIME Characters Can do :D"

-Cecil Lee-

See tricking, martial arts, freerunning, art


To trick or tricking, refers to the act of a gay person prostituting themselves. being a gay prostitute, or the situation involved.

How did you make all that extra money john?

Just went tricking up and down main street

you should be careful, tricking is dangerous

See gay, trickin, whoring, homosexual, sex


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