Trickle Charger

What is Trickle Charger?


Pantrypowerunit: a lady's bearded batterypack which - provided there is a positive connection section- sends a carnal currencycoursing through the equipmentthat a gentleman is aptly installing.

Wiping the excess beaver-spitfrom her TRICKLE CHARGER, Doris- the managing director of Eager VeganService - demonstrates her abilityto instantly electrocuteAND invigoratea large carrotand a cucumber.

See trickle, charger, female, frankenstein, frankenpussy, moist, monster, minge, tricklish, trickolick, intelligent, gadget, pantry, pulse, ample, amp, amp'd, vast, voluptuous, voltagious, voltage, electric, effect, result, topped, up, pole, attraction, panzer, attack, battery acid, batteried, buttered balls, electromagnet, electrokinesis, heater, toaster, melba embrocation, marinate, marina, banana boat, canoe, more a harbour than an arbour, an elegant sufficiency, kryptonic, cunit, revitalizer, electrocute, invigorate, dorissed, dazed, drained, Persson


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