
What is Trifle?


Of little or no importance; meaningless

"Look at that bum" "he lives the life of a trifle"

See meaningless, empty, common, triffle


Of little or no importance; meaningless

"Look at that bum" "he lives the life of a trifle"

See meaningless, empty, common, triffle


to sloth around, to be ridiculous, to live your life

-can also be defined as "Triflin' on someone" or trying to hook up with them

"I was triflin on him all night"

"I've done nothing today, just trifled around"

See trifle, ridiculous, whore, heinous, lazy


A vagina on period

"Yeah, so I went down her and before i knew it i was tasting her trifle!!"

"Why am i friends with you"

See trifle, triffle, tuffle, vagina, period, wardrobe


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