Trigger Happy

What is Trigger Happy?


An adjective used to describe a person who just can't wait to shoot every motherfucker in the area.

I got the M-16 and I really feel trigger happy today.



Someone who cant help but to pull the trigger every chance they get

Gangsta1:iight this is how its gonna go down.

*gun shot*

Gangsta1:goddamn, we aint even out the house n already ur shooting shit.

Gangsta2:my bad.

Gangsta3:trigger happy mo fucker.

See jumpy, crazy, quick, fast, slap happy



Someone that "shotties" everything, from the car to the reclining chair.

Rob: Pass me the blender.

John: Hey, I shottied that 20 minutes ago.

Rob: Dude, your way too trigger happy.

See trigger, happy, shotie, shottie, shotgun, bitch, call, blender, faggot, a


To find a gun in a video game (Call Of Duty or Halo for example) and every three seconds squeeze the trigger.

That sniper made Johnson Trigger Happy

See trigger, happy, halo, 3, call, of, duty, 4, video, game, fps


adj. being too quick off the mark to fire a gun - or send in the troops in the case of bush - or fry the prisoners in the case of bush, etc.

Jay is a bit trigger happy, he's strapped 24/7 - don't startle him man he might pop u one.

See brendan


British comedy hidden camera show where dom jolly just runs around causing havock, quite funny, great soundtrack.

"World shut your mouth" gettin a bit trigger happy ther

See Seds


An adjective used to describe a man (little boy) blows his load before or shortly after penetration...

"Hey, how was the sex the other night?"

"Man, he was trigger happy and lost it all over my thighs before he even got it in!"


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