
What is Triguena?


In the caribbean (specifically, Dominican Republic)triguena or trigueno depending on wether the person is male or female, is someone identified of three (tri)cultures. Namely,someone of indigenous (carib, quisqueyano or taino indians)african (from the slaves brought over by ships)and Spanish (spain)heritage. It has been used in the latino/caribbean culture as a term of endearment, a compliment but also at times as a descriptive word when neither morena or blanca seem to completely describe the subject.

She's neither black nor white, she's a "triguena".

See blanca, negra, india, mixta, mixed




1. (tez) - olive-skinned

2. (pelo) - dark blond


adj. - wheat

campo triguero - wheat field

INFLECTED FORMS: trigueña - adj.

trigueñas - adj.

trigueños - adj.


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