
What is Trillion?


Sorry, the above definition is a little off. Actually, make that 999 billion off. A trillion is ten to the TWELFTH power (1,000,000,000,000). Ten to the ninth power is one billion.

Please make that note.

See Kirk


Getting into a basketball game for one minute and not recording a single statistic. The line of the box score would have a 1 followed by 13 zeros.

An Ohio State benchwarmer achieved the trillion when he got in the blowout win over Michigan.

See basketball, statistics, trillion


1. Noun: A person who fully embodies the trill philosophy. (plural: trillions)

2. Proper Noun, plural (Trillions/Trillion$): An underground rap group from the Dirty West.

Dayyyyum, you can see that Trillion coming from a mile away cuz his grill and chains are shinin' brighter than the Sun's rays.

See trillion, trillions, trillionaire, dirty west


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