What is Trinity College Dublin?
University in Dublin, the source of much bitterness by idiots (who don't go there) and who don't seem to realise that it is no different from any other University in Dublin, and that the vast majority of alumni aren't "west brits" or pompous assholes. In fact, a large amount of students are from the country, or foreign, thus calling them "west brits" is the height of ignorance.
I hate idiots who go around bad-mouthing Trinity
Breeding ground for conceited students with sore feet.
How do you know somebody goes to Trinity College?
Theyll tell you
Dump for dim yet high-minded rich kids from around the world who failed to gain entrance to a prestigious university like
Trinity College Dublin's motto: Snort guffaw trinitau!
a really gay college full of westbrits.
man that guy is gay and he goes to tcd