Triple C

What is Triple C?


Coricidin cough and cold; little red pills that ur supposed to take if ur sick.... your suppose to take 1 pill every 6 hours and it warns you not to take 4 pills in a 24 hour period...

well if u do triple c (also called skittles, ccc, etc.) for recreational purposes then u shouldn't take more then 11/12 your first time!! im serious.. this stuff takes a long time to kick in (like 1 or 2 hours)!!! u may become impatient and anxious and you may want to take more.. this happened to me my first time using ccc... i had promised myself only 6 pills but ended up taking 12 of them!

you'll become very warm feeling, then extremely tired, and then very floaty/numb!! the feeling increases and increases... i would describe the feeling as being comfortably asleep in a dreamlike world yet your still awake.. its a floaty/trippy drug that makes you experience the world differently..

i wouldn't recommend taking alot in public cause u may walk a little cautiousally and you may repeat ur words or say some random shit or make random movements... but besides that its not that obvious your on it... if you try to act normal then you could pull it off but it may be extremely hard....

listen to music! its wicked trippy to listen to slow music and the music make u feel really carefree!

these pills are amazing but be careful!! im serious when i say that this shit can kill u if u keep increasing ur amount!! if u take it alot then your immune system gets use to it and then some ppl start taking dangerous amounts in order to keep the trippy feeling the same..

best trip will be your first time... then i heard the trips start to become bad and skittles will start to cause problems in your life and etc...

person 1-"the rug has never felt like this before... oh my... its amazing... feel it... its like... rough... and scruffy... i love it.. love it... it feels wicked cool.. cool..."

person 2-"im guessing ur tripping on triple c..."

See triple c, skittles, ccc


Corcidin Cough, Cold and Congestion. A risky source of the dissacosiative drug Dextromethorphan (DXM) which produces sedative effects and a trippy high, but contains CPM another active ingredient which can cause problems breathing. There have been several instances of overdose from corcidin.

I popped a few tripple cs and now Im feelin trippy.


Coricidin cough and cold; little red pills that ur supposed to take if ur sick.... your suppose to take 1 pill every 6 hours and it warns you not to take 4 pills in a 24 hour period...

well if u do triple c (also called skittles, ccc, etc.) for recreational purposes then u shouldn't take more then 11/12 your first time!! im serious.. this stuff takes a long time to kick in (like 1 or 2 hours)!!! u may become impatient and anxious and you may want to take more.. this happened to me my first time using ccc... i had promised myself only 6 pills but ended up taking 12 of them!

you'll become very warm feeling, then extremely tired, and then very floaty/numb!! the feeling increases and increases... i would describe the feeling as being comfortably asleep in a dreamlike world yet your still awake.. its a floaty/trippy drug that makes you experience the world differently..

i wouldn't recommend taking alot in public cause u may walk a little cautiousally and you may repeat ur words or say some random shit or make random movements... but besides that its not that obvious your on it... if you try to act normal then you could pull it off but it may be extremely hard....

listen to music! its wicked trippy to listen to slow music and the music make u feel really carefree!

these pills are amazing but be careful!! im serious when i say that this shit can kill u if u keep increasing ur amount!! if u take it alot then your immune system gets use to it and then some ppl start taking dangerous amounts in order to keep the trippy feeling the same..

best trip will be your first time... then i heard the trips start to become bad and skittles will start to cause problems in your life and etc...

person 1-"the rug has never felt like this before... oh my... its amazing... feel it... its like... rough... and scruffy... i love it.. love it... it feels wicked cool.. cool..."

person 2-"im guessing ur tripping on triple c..."

See skittles, ccc, coricidin, trippy, dxm


Stands for Coricidin Cough & Cold. Coricidin. Over the counter cough pills. Extremely fun drug and it feels AMAZING.

They're little red pills used for people who have high blood pressure. Dextromorphan (DMX) is the chemical inside them used to get you high. Take about an hour to set in. Only take about 8 your first time.

Don't do Triple cs too much. They ARE highly addictive over time and will eat away your stomach lining. They fuck with your head. Be careful with them.

You see trippy shit when you close your eyes on them. The trip is about 7-8 hours long. It's easy to act straight around the parents.

get a floating/flying feeling when tripping. numb and your teeth chatter a little sometimes. You are EXTREMELY sedated on this drug.

HOLY SHIT you guys! I just saw a hot dog sliding down a fire pole!

"shit dude she's on triple cs"

See red, pills, pill popper, requiem, triple, triple c, triple cs, trippy, addiction, addictive, fun, amazing


Triple C", sometimes also known on the street as "skittles" (due to the fact that they typically come in the form of a small red pill, similiar in appearance to the candy), comes from "Coriciden Cold and Cough", an over-the-counter cough medicine containing the drug Dextromethorphan. (Sometimes referred to as DXM)

The pills have become increasingly popular as a recreational drug due to it's legality and the high which can be obtained by taking excessive dosages (typically 8 to 16 pills, although some users take even more). Exceeding the recommended dosage (usually 1 or 2 pills) will often cause nausea, and can occasionally result in very serious injury (such as liver damage) or death.

(Note: I am a paramedic, and have seen first-hand the consequences of overdosing on DXM. This is not propaganda or myth... the last patient I hauled who'd overdosed on them, ended up in a very serious heart arrythmia which nearly caused his heart to stop. He also suffered from some permanent liver and kidney damage. Believe the warnings.)

"I took some Triple C's and now I'm tripping."

See dxm, skittles, coricidin


Coricidin cough and cold- sold over the counter at any drug store. if u take 6 makes u trippy, you can still function normally if u think about it to avoid getting in trouble by the parents. 4 gives you an okay buz, I wouldn't recomend more then 12! You may hear the term "I got seeded" takes atleast 45 minutes to work.

I just got some triple c and man im feelin good!


coriciden cold and cough, a drug no one should start using, extremely dangerouse, and i am a testiment. i should be mentally retarded, but made a loooong recovery. stick to weed, even though its more expensive.

i started taking the drug when i found out that it wont show up on drug tests. i took eight the first time, and continued to use them more than three hundred different times, my immunity built up, and at the end, i was taking 24 at once. and one day i overdid it. i took 48 over the period of 12 hours..... bad decision! i ended up legally psychoatic in the hospital, and for 14 days straight, i couldnt think straight, it wasnt a prolonged high, i actually got aquainted with how it feels to be retarded. and somehow i pulled out of it. my stomach wasnt pumped, so its a wonder that i even lived. my iq score went down from 142 To 130 after all this....

so just smoke some weed, ccc is terribly addictive.

take my word litterally, this story is all true, this drug can be more dangerouse than crack.- i didnt even know my name.

that kid is tripping on triple c! too bad he doesnt know what can happen.

See triple c, ccc, skittling, drug


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