Triple Decker

What is Triple Decker?


The standard residence of off campus college students in Worcester, MA. Also home to prostitutes, drug lords, and other low income residents.

In Worcester, triple deckers are consistently home to spiral staircases and sliding windows in the back stairwell.

Most college parties in Worcester that do not happen at a fraternity will happen in a triple decker. Larger parties will happen on more than one floor of the same triple decker.

We're going to the triple decker on Goulding Street for the "White Trash Party"

See Rushmore


When someone takes a dump and gets up because he thinks he is done, only to realize there is still shit to be shat. Sits back down, takes another dump, gets up and needs yet again to sit down to complete "the triple decker".

Tony ate so much burritos in the car that he had to pull over at the rest stop for a triple decker.

See sko


any employee taking a 3 week unaurhorized vacation and still having a job when he returns.

Carl pulled a triple Decker on his boss Troy

See vacation, job, boss


Similar to a double decker, except that an additional poop is left on top of another object, i.e. car, roof, mailbox...

Haha Jones didn't know that I actually did a triple decker in his computer CD drive!


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