
What is Triple-double?


Multiple penetration of a single woman by six penises. Two penises in the mouth, vagina, and anus simultaneously.

My friends and I just triple-doubled your mom.

See dvda, sex, multiple, penetration, six, anus, vagina


Triple-Double: Multiple penetration by six penises. Two penises in the mouth, vagina, and anus simultaneously.

Look at that Triple-Double, Mark and John took her mouth, Dan and Josh took her pussy, Scott and Jay took her ass!

See ass, pussy, mouth, double, triple


When a guy is able to have sex with two different girls for three days straight!

It was a Tuesday night and a little piggy came to my house to blow my hose down ..... We hit bootsand then hit the bed ... woke up wednesday morning

and made the nasty again..... Then I shipped her and I went to work.... Wed. night.... The second little piggy came ofer to finish up where the first little piggy left off .... So Wed night.... I stuck my dirty little wolf in her straw hut and made it all sticky.....Woke up Thursday morning.... Yeah, had sticky buns buns for breakfast ......Thurs Night

...... new Little Piggy...... Shen too stayed over because she heard the hollandaise sauce on the nuts benedick was delicious...So Friday morning I whipped some up for her ..... Then Sure enough.... Friday night ... One last little piggy came over to see if she could huff and puff and hold my man soup down ..... And while she stayed over too.... by saturday morning, it really didin't matter


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