
What is Tripod?


a man with a penis so big, it is interpreted as a third leg, hence 'tripod'

You are a tripod.


A man with a large penis who when naked appears to have three legs supporting him.

Billy "Gee, your friend Pongo has three legs!"

Jenny "No no, he just has a large penis"

Billy "Oh, so that is why people call him tripod"

Jenny "That's right genius. Well done"

Billy "Thanks... I love you Jenny. Wanna make out?"

See cock, dick, prick, pongo


A gangbang involving one female and three males. One dick goes in the ass, one in the pussy, and one in the mouth.

Suzy and Erin are the biggest tripods. All they do is get drunk and take in more cock than they can handle.

See gangbang, slut, whore, orgy, Shindig


1.) A three-legged supporting stand used to hold an object in place

2.) A man sporting a large penis

3.) A group of three friends who are mutually dependant on each other, and privileged to tell people that they have TWO best friends


"Let me set up the tripod so I can take the photo"


Guy: "Your friend Dave's ego is through the roof"

Kev "Yea, he's a tripod"


Guy: "Are you worried about falling out of contact with your old college buddies?"

Ben: "no ones will kick a leg out of the tripod"

See tripod, friends, camera, college


A girl that gets fucked by 3 guys at the same time.

Suzy and Erin are the biggest tripods. All they do is get drunk and take in more cock than they can handle.

See gangbang, slut, whore, orgy, Shindig


A man whose penis is so large, that it resembles a third leg, resembling a tripod. A less extreme version of Second Torso.

Damn, that guy was a goddamn tripod! I won't be able to sit down for a month!

See phallus, dick, tralala, ding ding dong


One of the coolest girls you will ever meet

"Hey look its that girl tripod, i wish i was friends with her"

See tripod, brittany, new, jersey, cool


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