
What is Trish?


A very beautiful girl, that has brown hair and green eyes. typically has several guys around her at a time and makes friends easily. people easily love her.

Trish is the shit! I wish I could be like her...

See trish, trisha, tricia, patricia, pretty girl


A Trish is a name you call a funloving, albeit immature person. To call someone a Trish, said person should be independent and somewhat selfish, laidback but sometimes offending. Trishes really define the whole 'foot in mouth' phrase. They mean well, but don't always give the best impression.

Friend-"Do i look fat?"

Trish-"Wellll, i wouldn't say you look very skinny."

Friend-"Gee thanks, way to pull a Trish."

Teacher-"These fierce seamen were called vikings."


See trish, frivolous, immature, super


a combination of the words trade (a masculine or very manly gay male) and fish (a feminine gay male) trish is used to describe a gay male who seems to be a bit of both.

person 1: Is he trade or fish?

person 2: He's both gurl, he's trish!!!!

See gay, gay man, trade, fish


To Be "a Trish" is to be described as a acting in an immature fashion most likely less than your age would indicate you should be. Normally used in relation to a woman or feminine male who behaves in a scatter-brained fashion but who is always in the peak of fashion and trend setting.

"I really don't get along with Greg anymore, he's become such a Trish since he made the money."


The sound accompanying a silent-but-deadly fart.

No one heard the sibiliant "trishhhhhhhh" as the gas escaped, but Patricia knew she'd been found out as soon as the smell of her SBD began wrinkling the noses around her.

See sbd, silent but deadly, fart, gas, onomatopoeia


a white-trash girl with huge fake tits and multiple body piercings who will do anyone while her boyfriend watches.

thankfully, I have only heard of a Trish - I don't have an example of one!

See trish, trisha, celtic, girl, wannabe


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