
What is Tritium?


a low energy beta emmitting isotope of hydrogen containing 2 neutrons and 1 proton.

i spilled tritium on myself but didn't worry about it because the radiated particles aren't energetic enough to penetrate the layer of dead skin that covers my body

See James


A very intelligent person and great singer. Loves a variety of musicals and shows such as Lost and Bones.

Basically one of the most awesomest people on the planet.

Tritium is a great friend and has amazing hair.

See tritium, spiderman, musicals, random, bones


About the most expensive fucking thing on the planet. Used in watches and gun sights to make them glow.

No example needed, you tosser.


as stated above; also. Part of a thermoneculear bomb. IT is sent into fusion by way of a fissile reaction. (Uranium bomb, plutonium gun) Then it procedes to be setn off by the extreme heat and presure into fusion to form He-3. The end result is KA FUCKING BOOOM!

Fat boy was a plutonium gun of about 750Kton. Mike was a tritium fusion bomb, about 10Mtonnes.


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