Trojan Helmet

What is Trojan Helmet?


the act of a man laying his testicles in ones eye sockets and laying his dick down the middle of the persons nose to their lips thus resmbling a trojan helmet

"While Mary was sleeping I took out mt dick and laid it on her head to make a trojan helmet."

See Fudger


A variation of the "Roman Helmet". The act of a man laying his testicles in someone else's eye sockets and laying his dick down the middle of the persons nose to their lips making it look like a Roman Helmet. The man wears a condom thus making it a "Trojan Helmet"

I want to be "protected" so I think I'll do the "Trojan Helmet" on Billy instead of the regular "Roman Helmet".


The position a male gets into when he lays his testicles in a sleeping female's eyesockets and places his penis between the female's upper lip and the tip of her nose. When the female is tickled she wakes up and is forced to give oral sex to the male.

"I gave Liv a Trojan Helmet when she was asleep once, but she didn't wake up."

"Don't you ever give me a Trojan Helmet again!"

Definition Code A-001


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