Troll Dyke

What is Troll Dyke?



The highest level of dykeness. Even trumps Bull Dyke.

A highly aggressive, dangerous lesbian.

Typically marked by flannel, jorts, hiking boots, and a love for kayaking.

Troll Dykes hate penis, men, and/or anything phallic.

They also love to stomp.

Should you encounter a Troll Dyke, it is best to never look it directly in the eye, and to maintain at least a 15 foot safety barrier. If it attacks (which happens often) it is considered proper form to lay in fetal position, and repeat loudly how much you respect Rosie O'Donnell's decision to cut her hair.

A Troll Dyke has never cried.

"Dude, i just got the shit kicked out of me by that huge pissed off dude."

"That was no dude, she was a troll dyke."

See dyke, bulldyke, dike, bulldike, bull, lesbo, lesbian, butch


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