Troll Valhalla

What is Troll Valhalla?


A website dedicated to free speech, flaming, trolling and general mayhem that was established in June of 2006 after Troll Valhalla's predecessor, Troll Wars, was closed by its owner, "Cleo".

At first, Troll Valhalla was a rather small board made up of a small and close-knit group of members from the defunct Troll Wars, but as the word came down that the Yahoo! message boards were set to close in December of that same year, many of the regular Yahoo!trolls made their way over and are still there today.

Troll Valhalla is home to a number of well-known Yahoo! trolls, including the infamous Edna Bambrick of "Reported!" fame, springvalleykid, Gurk_MacGuintey, and many others. Many of the members are also members of various other social and free-speech boards.

Discussion at Troll Valhalla is not limited to personal trolling and flamingattacks. Indeed, a favored activity among several of the members is discussing and "bashing" various current news stories in the spirit of the old Yahoo message boards. Other topics include technical and computer-related discussions, entertainment and music, arts, home and garden issues, and politics... all of which eventually result in humorous parody and satire. Several members are proficient in photoshop techniques, and there are many excellent works of digital art scattered throughout the site.

A large proportion of Troll Valhalla's members are very highly educated, and members hail from several countries, including the United States, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Brazil. Thus, one would encounter a wide variety of personalities and perspectives-- all with one common interest: the protection of free speech and self-expression.

Message Board poster: Where have all the Yahoo! trolls gone now that the Yahoo! boards have shut down?

Yahoo Troll: We've all gone to Troll Valhalla

See troll, valhalla, message board, flamer, first amendment, free speech


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