
What is Trolled?


Anyone who fails to recognize a troll and responds to it with anger or annoyance is said to have been "trolled". Being trolled often results in large quantities of butthurt.

*On an online forum*

Guy 1: You internet geeks are pathetic! I can bench 300lbs and have a banging hot girlfriend. (She just blew me, shit was SO cash.)

Guy 2: You think you're so much better than us? FOAD, internet tough guy!

Guy 3: lol! You got trolled!

See troll, trolling, butthurt, internet tough guy, idiot, y=mx+b


When someone is so horrible at Beer Pong, and misses every shot in their last game. They must sit under the table for the entire next game.

Dude you fucking suck at this game! You just trolled yourself.

See beer pong, troll, bridge, bad, pong


to "get" someone.

to "burn" someone

to "pwn" someone

or best of all to leave people like cody speachless.

awesome chick: hey you're gaming skills suck

cody: ......

awesome chick: YOU'VE JUST BEEN TROLLED.

See pwn, burn, get, lose, cody, trolling


Being dissed or rejected, usually due to a troll like appearance. Being denied sexual acts because of your hideousness.

I got trolled last night at da club.

See rejected, unwanted, denied


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