Trolley Rage

What is Trolley Rage?


severe anger in travelers (using trolleys), caused by their near, serious and/or fatal collisions with onlookers, lazy walkers, and untethered children, whilst racing to and from check-in counters to make a flight/train/bus on time.

"That kind of trolley rage can kill someone!" or "My doctor prescribed me Zoloft to calm my trolley rage, after I almost bulldozed this guy who was typing a message on his blackberry in the middle of the entrance to the departure gates"

See road rage, anger, hurry


1. noun. Origin: road rage, bus rage. Feelings associated with attempting to shop at a store whose layout allows no more than 10 people to comfortably shop (e.g. a Trader Joe's grocery store). Note: Trolley is the British word for 'shopping cart'.

Trolley rage example: Lex hits up a small grocery store looking to get in and get out after grabbing some ice cream, milk, and cereal. He grabs a small shopping cart (trolley) and takes off for the dairy section. On the way he is forced to stop and wait for a woman in front of him, who has no idea Lex is behind her, stop and read the daily special advertisement. The stopping was no big deal, but two seconds later, Lex must stop for a kid, who is lying in the floor playing with a new toy, before moving to the cereal section.


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