
What is Trolling?


Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.

Guy: "I just found the coolest ninja pencil in existence."

Other Guy: "I just found the most retarded thread in existence."


Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards. When done in a moderated internet community, this can result in banning. When done to uptight people such as fundies, this can result in hilarity.

Apparently I can't post links here, so I can't give a good example of trolling. Sorry.

See troll, douche, douchebag, douchebaggery, asshole


Act of appearing on internet forums and boards with malicious intent. Trolling includes...

-batting people to flameat you

-putting the forum down and encouraging people to leave.

- flaming


-using several identities on a board to support your own arguments / stage pretend arguments

-generally being a dick on a power trip.

Some trolls claim they actions benefit others. These trolls are also twats


did you see the way that guy was trolling?


yep, he got banned.


i just filled in another account. you guys are dicks. why did you ban me? im gonna spam the place up for that!!

See troll, trolling, pdnftt, flam, flaming, spamming


Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness. However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such. Nearly all trolled statements are meant to be funny to some people, so it does have some social/entertainment value.

"Trolling" isn't simply "harmful statements". Intentionally insulting/libelous statements are "flaming".

Just as bad as trolling is "Feeding the Trolls". This is when people say stuff that they know will prompt someone to respond with a trolled reply and/or replying to comments that are blatantly from a troll. This is especially true when a troll first makes his comment/reply, and (usually many) people respond, either trying to correct the troll, or express anger at the statement. At that point, the trolling was successful and has been fed. When encouraged by success and feeding, trolls often return.

In World of Warcraft, there are occasionally people that blurt out in world chat, "You get your mount at level 40 and costs 100 gold." then immediately signs off.

This information is outdated by over a year; but MANY people respond for at least 10-15 minutes afterwards with either corrections or calling that player a 'dummy', or something similar insulting their intelligence.

Trolling and subsequent feeding. Perfect example.

See trolls, trolling, troll, feeding the trolls, chat, forums


To use the internet to start problems, insult, or hurt others. An action that only usually affects the person trolling.

Usually a very bored, lonely person with no friends. Or a punk ass kid.

"My AOL account was shut down because I was trolling in a chatroom."


Hunting for trolls.

Trollers hang around under bridges with troll guns at night (since trolls turn to stone in daylight), in the hope of bagging a troll head as a trophy.

As a VERY endangered (i.e. nonexistent) species, trolls are protected by law, and trolling is therefore illegal.

The police arrested two hobbits yesterday on charges of trolling.

See Andy


1. To make inflammatory comments on the internet for the purpose of starting controversy and gauging people's reactions.

2. What idiots say they were doing when they make an uneducated remark that is quickly discredited.

1. Troll: Halo invented the FPS video game genre!

Non-asshole: Shut up, you troll.

2. Will: Nixon was the best president of all time!

Michael: No he wasn't. Haven't you heard of Watergate or the Controlled Substances Act?

Will: ...oh, I'm just trolling.

See 4chan, internet, stupidity


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