Trolling Idiot

What is Trolling Idiot?


n. One who belongs to a forum and uses a majority of their posts to be obnoxious and/or to pester their fellow forum members.

Slargos, the Swede, is a trolling idiot.


1) Anyone who engages a troll intentionally or unintentionally, sometimes starting a flamewar. The people who react to a troll are trolls themselves. After all, if no one engaged the troll nothing would happen. There would be no trolls if there were no trolling idiots to engage them and feed them.

2) Anyone who feeds a troll.

Did you see those trolling idiots bashing the newb for posting badly?

See troll, trollser, trollsing


An idiot who manages to lumber around and behave generally like a troll in whatever fairy tale/fictional book you like. Often this is a very negative term.

-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...

See Phrigajiblenoghip


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