Trolling Irl

What is Trolling Irl?


Stands for "Trolling in real life". It is harder than online trolling because you might actually get your ass kicked.

A list of professional IRL Trolls:

- Andy Kaufman

-Jonathan Swift

- Ann Coulter


-Barry Humphries

- Chris Morris

- Bill O'Reilly

- Dom Joly

- God

- Howard Stern

-Ted Rall

-The Runaway Bride

- Jeremy Beadle

- Ayn Rand

- Hurricane Katrina

- Jesus

-Tucker Carlson

- Anal Cunt

-Michael Moore



- Adolf Hitler

- Johnny Knoxville



-Pat Robertson

- Hugo Chavez


-The Man

-Merle Haggard

- Karl Marx

-Tom Green

List of ways Trolling IRL:

-Poke people and say " fag" until they get pissed.

-Walk very close to shops on the pavement, triggering their automatic doors while you pass.

-Wear blackface.

-Stand right in front of the 'buzzer' button at pedestrian crossings so that people can't press it without feeling like they're intruding in your personal space.

-Write an angry letter to the editor.

-File frivolous lawsuits.

- Happy slapping

-Sell someone's dog to a Chinese restaurant

-Join an anarchist black bloc

-Rearrange grocery items on the shelves

-Wear Klanrobes

-Sneak a retard into a sperm bank

-Invoke Satan in discussions with street preachers.

-Urinate into a lemonade bottle and leave it in somebody's fridge. For extra fun, change the nutrtion-box information.

-Take a crap on a paper towel and then put it in a soap dispenser.

- Columbine

-Follow old people around with a boom box playing Vengaboys' "We Like to Party"


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