Troop 330

What is Troop 330?


A Troop 330 is rare and secretive sex act known only to the Boy Scouts of America. Its first step is a young, sexually active male spending a weekend chilling with his friends in the woods. During this time, his diet consists primarilty of bacon and beef jerky topped with tabasco sauce. Due to this altered diet, he becomes increasinly more horny and possilbly blue balled by the end of the weekend. To treat this dangerous condition, he immediately reports to a selected females house upon leaving the woods. Her parents are hopefully not home. When the time is right, he proceeds to have vaginal, anal, oral, and foot sex with her, simultaneously. When he reaches his point of release, he empties his load into her mouth. Becasaue there is so much saved up, she is overwhelmed by the massive amount of man plasma in her, drowns, and dies. As the big finish, the male resusitates her using the CPR he learned in his medical training. Then for community service hours, he mops the jizz off of the ceiling and walls of her bedroom.

This act is named for Boy Scout Troop 330, whose memebers first pioneered it.

The Boy Scouts of America are currently working on giving awards to those brave scouts who can execute this marvel more than 50 times. This will officially be named the "Woodman's Dong Award".

Scout 1: Damn man, when this camping trip's over I'm gonna give Ashley the worst Troop 330 she ever had.

Scout 2: Aww yeah!

See scout, blue balls, bacon, fuck


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